YOU by Cally was created from a personal weight loss journey by the owner, Cally.
Don't mind me if I'm vulnerable for a moment...
I spent the pandemic dealing with some people close to me struggling with mental illness, which had led me to remove myself from a toxic environment that was fostering depression in my own life.
Subconsciously speaking, I was putting up defenses on the inside to protect myself from being hurt. Eating was an easy way to build up a sort of layer of "defense". Calories helped. I got lazy and stopped exercising. I always ordered that dessert or extra side of fries almost every meal.
So - time for a change. I tried going to the gym and that wasn't convenient since it was not close by me. I tried eating less, but found myself always hungry. I would change outfits 10 times before I left because I was always hiding some fat somewhere - the root issue being my confidence being so low because I didn't look or feel good. At all.
I started my FastTRACK journey myself and have lost 10 inches off of my waist, have lost 52 lbs in 5 months, started seeing weight loss happening in real time - so I chose to "fast track" things and start exercising regularly and have adjusted my diet to keto.
Now I'm doing treatments on my arms - then next up is my thunder thighs. Only a few more months until I'm at my goal weight - no more seeing 260lbs on the scale.
That was scary to me, and now I use every pound I lose as more motivation to continue, I help others boost their confidence and achieve their weight loss goals.